Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oliver 2 Week Pictures

These pictures were taken by a lady named Sheri Beavers at Sweet Pea Photos (http://www.sweetpeapix.com/). She has a small studio in her basement. She was amazing and priced well. The best part is that she gives you all rights to all the pictures and gives you a disk with all the pics.
As soon as week took off his diaper, Oliver took that as his cue to poop and pee everywhere. Every time she would wrap him in something new and clean, he would either poop or pee on it. Memaw even got it all down her leg.

Back To Work-Yuck!

I'm not too excited about it, but the time has come...I have to go back to work on February 9th. I like my job, don't get me wrong, I just love my boys more.

Oh, well, Memaw's time to shine!

Monday, December 15, 2008

He's Here!

Oliver Allen Holman
November 23 2008
7lbs 11 oz
20 inches

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hawaii-Sept. 2008

Our trip to Hawaii was so much fun...even being 7 months pregnant. Jack did great on the airplane and did not complain once about the super long trip.

Bapa, Memaw, Jack, Sara and Russ at the pool.

Bapa (Grandpa) found a boogie board washed up on shore when he was doing a little exploring, Russ had a great time on it. Jack was a little fish. We all agreed that if we had been there one more week he would have learned how to swim.

Jack was very disappointed that we did not bring any swords to Hawaii with us,so we made a stop at the local Wal-Mart and bought him one. This was by far the best and most used purchase of the trip. He would attack each wave with the sword. We never left the hotel without it; it even made the trip back home to Utah.

We had a lot of picnics depending on where we spent the day. This is our lunch on at the black sand beach. There were tons of turtles in the water and even one on the beach.

This is a picture of Jack on the black sand beach sitting in front of a turtle.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jack's 3rd Birthday

Captain Jacks Pirate Party 2008


Some of Jacks Friends in our circle

Grandma Holman and Mindy

Carver and Jack

Jacks friend Garrett

Jack's Birthday party was a hit! Everyone came dressed as pirates.

Bapa and uncle Denny

Memaw and Jack

Grandpa Cheryl and Ali

Memaw grandpa and grandma

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Holman Family Reunion

The Holman Family Reunion
August 1-2 2008

The boys cooking marshmallows: Miles, Jack, Tyson, Carver.

Some of the Holman grand kids: Madalyn, Kate, Jack, Carver, Miles, Tyson
Kate Law, Madalyn Nordhal
Jack takes a 3 hour nap
Water fight! Jack didn't get wet until daddy (who was on his team) threw an entire cooler of ice/water at the girls and got 99% of it on Jack.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jack Ass episode 1

Go speed racer, Go speed racer